
writing and making

(selection of images of works in no particular order)

The Art of Observation
for the publication
“the great acceleration”
Architectural Conservation
The Royal Academy of Art
(KKH) Stockholm

Domestic Encyclopaedia

project in collaboration with composer Marthe Belsvik Stavrum, made possible by projectgrant for art, Trøndelag Fylkeskommune (2024)

Commissioned essay on the work of Márk Redele  ︎︎︎

Nature Boy

Essay for Rights of Way
ed. Amy Gowan · Onomatopee ︎︎︎

The Art of Becoming

Essay on the work of Nina Frankova (CZ) for her book HOLLOW, Onomatopee ︎︎︎

The Cognizant Fish

Essay on the work of artist and ceramisist Nina Frankova (CZ) for her book HOLLOW, Onomatopee ︎︎︎ ︎︎︎


Commissioned essay on the work of artist Jean Paul Laenen commissioned by Jean Paul Laenen Estate ︎︎︎

Federation Levitation

commissioned critique -
on the sandberg instituut and the future of art schools ︎︎︎

Accattone #6

Sitterwerk in Situ
Accattone #6  ︎︎︎

Terra Nova

Painting Fake Minerals
Accattone #6  ︎︎︎


extracts from:
It Had Something To Do With The Telling Of Time  ︎︎︎

El Condor Pasa

with Carlo Gaston Goncalves Accattone #7  ︎︎︎

Flip Tortilla

Oblique Kitchen Glossary for the Lebanese Sajeria ︎︎︎
Performance in collaboration with Alonso Vasquez

Lost in Translation

Essay for the work of graphic designer Ines Cox (BE)
SAVE by Ines Cox ︎︎︎

The Garden & The Botanist

part of the domestic encyclopeadia performance / reading 
at CIIIIVA, Brussels

It Had Something To Do With The Telling Of Time

Book on fiction as methodology
published by Onomatopee
made possible by
Stimuleringsfonds, NL

The Octopus Slay in 80 Ways

70 fingers and 14 eyes interpreting the Sandberg Graduation Show
Commissioned by Public Sandberg 

The Moonpalace

‘D3ATHfromAB0V3x - 659 points 9 months ago‘ Commissioned by public Sandberg

Jewellery Persepectives

exhibition writingplace, soestdijk palace, NL

Pool Made of Mirrors

Performance in collaboration with
Take Me On Podcast series

Only A Paper Moon

Text for Macguffin Magazine
The Window ︎︎︎

After Dark

Performance in collaboration with
Take Me On Podcast series


Wowrkshop with writingplace ·
for Ma Corpo-real, ArtEZ 

News from Nowhere
Sculpture for Open monuments day Amsterdam 2024 one-day exhibition and salon conversation with (nelly&) theo van doesburg stichting 

co-organised exhibtion, seminar, workshops and pop-up store as part of the board of ULLDAGA - a project on local wool across disciplines in Trøndelag, Norway.

Trøndelag Senter for Samtidskunt


“mur augmenté” mock-up sculpture and painted vase in collaboration with Accattone - Sophie Dars & Carlo Menon Académie des beaux-arts, Paris within the exhibition
Émulations (theme Écritures) curated by Emmanuelle Chiappone-Piriou, Benjamin Lafore and Sébastien Martinez-Barat

2023/2024 ·

A Wall to Care About?
Sätra Centrum
, Stockholm


Linseed Oil Schoolyard 
(the most useful, artefact)

with (Nelly&)Theo van Doesburg Foundation in collaboration with Sluislab, Inholland Universities, Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut.
2020 - ongoing

duo exhibition with juri suzuki
De Punt, Amsterdam
  Made possible by AFK (Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst), NL

Accattone #6 ︎︎︎

visual research in
Accattone #6 ︎︎︎

Pacific Ring of Fire

‘Table Tableaux or The Act of Letting A Person Into Your Home’
Albergo Rosa (Maximiliaan Royakkers & Annee Grøtte Viken) 
Jan van Eyck Academie

exhibition, Selbu (NO)

for jewellery perspectives

with pauline bayet, Rue des Fabriques 59, BE

Albergo Rosa (Maximiliaan Royakkers & Annee Grøtte Viken) Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam

‘Table Tableaux or The Act of Letting A Person Into Your Home’
Albergo Rosa (Maximiliaan Royakkers & Annee Grøtte Viken)
Bureau Europa, Maastricht, NL

albergo rosa, Sandberg Instituut/ Momart, Amsterdam, NL

faux fiction